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4-3. Downloading or streaming data for persons with print disabilities (Mina Search Help)

When you are logged into Mina Search, detailed bibliographic records of data for persons with print disabilities will display a Download link, a Start Streaming link, or other link.
You must login to Mina Search with your user ID for the Data Transmission Service for Persons with Print Disabilities to access this data. Click the Login icon at the top of the page or the Login button in the upper right corner of bibliographic records to login and access the data.

Using data for persons with print disabilities

When you are logged in, the detailed bibliographic record displays a Download button or a Download Full-Text Data button below the “How to read these materials” heading in the upper right. Click this button to download the data.

  • Full-text data
    Download data in txt format.
  • EPUB
    Download data in epub format.
  • DAISY data, braille data, text data other than full-text data, and data in any other format
    Download data in zip format.
Image 1 When you are logged in, a detailed bibliographic record will look like this


Image 2 A detailed bibliographic record for full-text data with a download link


You can also stream DAISY audio and DAISY audio & text.
Click the Start Streaming button to start streaming.
※Requires software that supports streaming media.

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