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1-2. Integrated searches (Mina Search Help)

List of databases incorporated into integrated searches

Here is a list of databases incorporated into integrated searches using Mina Search.
To limit your search to a particular database, select the database from the pull-down menu of databases on the Advanced Search page.

※Number of available data is as of January, 2024.

No.NameRepository No.ExplanationNumber of available dataWhat you can do in the Mina Search
1National Diet Library Digital CollectionsR100000039The NDL Digital Collections enables you to search and browse a variety of digital materials and online publications digitized or acquired by the NDL.4,000,000The Mina Search enables you to search (a) digitized materials with full-text data, (b) online publications, and (c) the NDL Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion). Please see the following (a) to (c).
(a)Full-text dataThe full-text data used in Mina Search has been generated from digitized images available in the NDL Digital Collections using optical character recognition (OCR) technology.2,470,000Users and libraries registered to the Data Transmission Services for Persons with Print Disabilities can login to the Mina Search and download the full-text data.
(b)Online publications・Online publications (annual reports, year books, directories, promotional magazines, bulletins, journal articles, etc.) collected by the NDL
・Materials collected based on the e-legal deposit of online publications.
・The NDL's own publications.
1,400,000You can move to the NDL Digital Collections webpage to browse the PDF, Word files, etc.
※Some materials are available only on the premises at the NDL.
(c)The NDL Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion)Archive of historical recordings of music and speeches that were recorded on 78 rpm or metal discs and were produced in Japan between 1900 and 1950.48,000You can move to the NDL Digital Collections webpage and play some recordings. While many of these recordings are available via the Internet, some are available only on the premises at the NDL and Rekion partner libraries.
2Online Catalog of Sapie LibraryR100000038You can search data for persons with print disabilities produced or stored by institutions providing information services for visually impaired persons in Japan. This catalogue contains about 400,000 items of braille and DAISY data and about 420,000 bibliographic data. Registered users of the Sapie Library can download these braille and DAISY data.820,000You can search data, move to the Sapie Library webpage to check details.
3Union Catalog of Materials for Persons with Disabilities in JapanR100000049You can search bibliographic data and collection information of the materials produced or being produced by the public libraries in Japan.115,000You can search and check the collection information and the contact information of holding libraries.
4National Diet Library CatalogR100000002You can search materials for persons with disabilities held by the NDL such as braille materials, large print books, enlarged copy books, cassette tape, DAISY and so on.100,000You can search for data as well as move to the NDL Search to check the collection information.
5Digital Material for Persons with Print DisabilitiesR100000073It contains materials for persons with print disabilities produced by the NDL or collected from other institutions in Japan or abroad.42,000Registered users or libraries of the Data Transmission Service for Persons with Print Disabilities can download data. Registered users can also stream DAISY audio and DAISY audio & text.
6Aozora BunkoR000000014Aozora Bunko is a digital library of literary works for which copyright protection expired prior to the 2018 amendment of the Copyright Law.17,000You can search for and browse data on the Aozora Bunko website.
7Public Libraries CatalogR100000001You can search materials for persons with disabilities held by public libraries in Japan and the NDL.9,000You can search for data, check the holding libraries, and move to the catalog of the holding library to check details.
8Japan Publication Registry Office (JRPO)R100000137JPRO is the system managed by the Japan Publishing Organization for Information Infrastructure Development (JPO). It delivers publishing information to bookstores and wholesale book dealers.4,000In the Mina Search, you can search information of audiobooks (about 4,600 items) and e-books (about 100 items) contained in the Books database managed by the JRPO.
You can search for data, and move to the Books webpage to check bookstores that you can buy materials.
9CiNii ResearchR100000136CiNii Research is a service managed by the National Institute of Informatics when users can perform integrated searches of academic information from Japan.1,000In the Mina Search, you can search materials for persons with disabilities contained in the CiNii Research. Users can search for data and move to the CiNii Research webpage to check details.
10National Institute of Informatics Accessible Metadata Database for Persons with Print DisabilitiesR100000141This is the system managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the NII. You can perform integrated searches for materials digitized by universities for use by persons with print disabilities.300You can search for data and move to the webpage of the National Institute of Informatics Accessible Metadata Database for Persons with Print Disabilities to check details.

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